nordicsmall.JPG (4000 byte) Terms & Conditions  nordicsmall.JPG (4000 byte)

  1. the bindig deposit will not in any case  be reimbursed

  2. if the withdrawal occurs within 35 and 15 days before commencement of the tour, a reimbursement amounting to 80% of the value of the reservation .

  3. if the withdrawal occurs less than 15 days before, but no later than 24 hours before commencement of the tours, a reimbursement amouting to 50% of the valuie of the reservation

  4. no reimbursment within 24 hours before commencement of the tour . 

         ITALIAN NORDIC TRAVEL -- Via Tre Novembre 142 -- 00013 Mentana (Rome)  -- E-mail:

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